
The Architects of the Forest

“The dramatic increase in birds in less than two
decades is a direct consequence of our carefully targeted planting which ensures birds receive fruits, seeds & nectar to thrive.”

Change in Bird Species at TAHI

Native birds are living indicators of and contributors to thriving biodiverse ecosystems. In New Zealand, 74% of our birds are ‘Threatened or At Risk of Extinction’. Our effort to restore birdlife is more critical than ever.

Increase in bird species at TAHI
between 2004 - 2021


Total Bird


Rare and Endangered


Increase of
Bird Species


Increase in Total
Bird Species

TAHI Birds
Conservation Status

As our biodiversity thrives, we now see rarer species of birds at TAHI, which include: the endangered Kiwi, the almost-extinct Brown Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus), Pateke or Brown Teal (Anas chlorotis), along with New Zealand’s rarest duck and the Grey Duck (Anas superciliosa), as well as many other rare species.
The dramatic increase in birds in less than two decades is a direct consequence of our carefully targeted planting. The art of our restoration ensures plants provide fruits, seeds, and nectar to encourage native birdlife, supported by a stringent invasive
species programme.

Kiwi at Pātaua North

To discover more about the scientific research on the North Island Brown Kiwi located in Pātaua North please visit our Science Centre.

Our flightless national bird, the Kiwi has existed in New Zealand for about 30 million years. Kiwi once roamed throughout New Zealand, but predators and loss of habitat have seen the number of Kiwi in unmanaged areas halve every decade.

“Pātaua North Landcare has a research permit which allows transmitters on Kiwi chicks so we can now see how rapidly they disperse and whether they remain associated with their parents. There are at least 100 kiwi at Pātaua North with many pairs on TAHI.”

Credit: Pātaua North Landcare



When it comes to biodiversity, our wetlands play an invaluable role. Acting as nature’s ‘kidneys’, they help clean water and provide habitat for indigenous invertebrates, plants, fish, and bird species. Most importantly, they act as ‘carbon sinks’, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.