
The Kidneys
of The Land

“We are proud to have restored almost all of the original wetlands: 96 acres of wetlands and 11 acres of lakes.”

Nature's Water Filter

When it comes to biodiversity, wetlands play an invaluable role. Acting as nature’s ‘kidneys’, they help clean the water and act as powerful 'carbon sinks'.

New Zealand, like many developed countries, had lost 95% of its wetlands, mainly due to agricultural or urban development. Wetlands provide a habitat for indigenous invertebrates, plants,
fish, and bird species. Most importantly, they act as ‘carbon sinks’, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Wetlands also have strong cultural and spiritual importance for the Māori. They are an important source of food, such as eel and whitebait, and provide materials for weaving, such as raupō, and harakeke (flax). They also help to recharge groundwater and assist us in coping with periods of drought.
Thanks to our work restoring 20 wetlands, as well as lakes, streams and dams, fish can now move freely through our waterways. We have also planted shade trees and plants along the banks of our streams and wetlands, as native fish need cooler, shaded water to survive
and flourish.

In our many streams, lakes and wetlands, 10 out of 15 native fish species in Northland, New Zealand are now thriving, including marine and freshwater species such as Mullet, and even
Freshwater Crayfish.

“Thanks to our strategic restoration work, 10 out of 15 Northland native fish species are now thriving at TAHI.”


Invasive Species

Invasive Species are the silent invaders of ecosystems. Estimated to have an annual global cost around $423bn per year, invasive species are the number one driver of biodiversity loss in New Zealand.